Regional Indigenous Land and Sea Strategies 2024-2028
The ILSC is pleased to publish its three new Regional Indigenous Land and Sea Strategies (RILSS) – Central, Eastern and Western – which highlight regional opportunities aligned to the National Indigenous Land and Sea Strategy (NILSS) priorities and commitments.
Each strategy corresponds to our divisional boundaries to ensure our operations are well connected to regional priorities.
- CENTRAL: covers the Northern Territory, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania
- EASTERN: covers New South Wales, Queensland, Australian Capital Territory and the Torres Strait Islands
- WESTERN: covers Western Australia
Thank you to those who provided their views on the opportunities available for realising Indigenous peoples’ aspirations on Country in each region.
As we deliver against our commitments in the NILSS and the RILSS, we will continue to listen, adapt, and respond as the world changes around us. This reflects our principle of partnership and allows us to continue to be led by the views and perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations.
Being accountable and transparent is important to us and, each August, we will publish an Annual Action Plan to say what we plan to do during the year ahead. We will also formally report our progress through our compliance report – the ILSC’s Annual Report – and through an Annual NILSS Report which will be published by December each year.
ILSC Regions

If you have questions or would like to provide feedback, please email us: