News, media releases and speeches from the ILSC
The ILSC assists Indigenous people with the acquisition and management of land, salt water and fresh water so they can achieve economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits.
The Nyikina Mangala people of the West Kimberley are set to benefit from a historic agreement which gives them control over one of the single biggest pastoral leases in the Kimberley.
On Saturday, 22 December 2018, the Weekend Australian newspaper featured an article on its front cover on the recent passing of the three Bills giving effect to the changes to the ILC’s Land Account and the extension of the corporations remit to include water-based rights.
The ILC will be taking a break to celebrate with our loved ones. All ILC offices will be closed from 3pm on Friday, 21st December 2018 and will open on Wednesday, 2 January 2019.
Mr Eddie Fry, Chairperson of the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC), today welcomed the Senate’s passage of legislation to assure, and extend, the corporation’s operations to benefit Indigenous Australians.
The ILC Board, Executive and staff pays its respects and passes on our sincere condolences to the Mabo family today as we sadly hear of the passing of the great Bonita Mabo, wife of Eddie Mabo.