News, media releases and speeches from the ILSC
The ILSC assists Indigenous people with the acquisition and management of land, salt water and fresh water so they can achieve economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits.
Being granted a permanent home base in St George will be a game changer for the Queensland Murray
Darling Catchment Ltd (QMDCL), enabling the group to better care for country and bring its community
together to strengthen culture.
The Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC) is deeply saddened by the recent floods that have devastated communities in eastern Australia, resulting in the tragic loss of human life and damage to property, businesses, livestock and wildlife.
Yawuru Traditional Owners will build on the legacy of their ancestors as they forge a new era for their people in taking over the pastoral operations at Roebuck Plains Station on Gumaranganyjal near Broome.
The Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC) was recently informed by its external payroll software provider, Frontier Software Pty Ltd (Frontier), that they were the victim of a ransomware cyber-attack directed at Frontier’s systems.
ILSC offices will close at 1pm, Friday 24 December 2021 reopening on Tuesday, 4 January 2022.