The town of St George, located in southern Queensland, celebrates a major triumph – it is now home to a specialised wellbeing centre for First Nations peoples, called the St George Community Wellbeing Centre.
The ILSC in close consultation with the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council and other local stakeholders is working to transition the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) Ltd.
Over a 12-month period, more than $27.9 million has been invested by the ILSC in partnerships with 30 Indigenous organisations.
The Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (has commenced an assessment of options for its subsidiary, Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia Pty Ltd, which operates the Ayers Rock Resort at Yulara in Central Australia.
For over 50 years, Ebenezer Aboriginal Corporation has provided accommodation assistance to at-risk youths. Now, the corporation has been given the opportunity to expand its services, settling into a new, fit-for-purpose head office which opened today on Whadjuk Noongar Country in Perth, thanks to the ILSC.
Today, project partners announced the delivery of Purrkanaitya, a purpose-built Aboriginal Elders Village, that will offer ‘ageing in place’ for many Aboriginal Elders living in Adelaide.
The ILSC has provided more than $76,000 in funding to Seven Emu Station for the installation of a new bore and solar pump on the property.
Throughout 2023, the ILSC has worked closely in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia, to facilitate the return of Country to its rightful owners.
Indigenous groups who have been affected by Cyclone Jasper, in Far North Queensland, are encouraged to apply for the Program, with up to $20,000 available for those who are eligible.