The ILSC purchased Roebuck in 1999 to benefit Yawuru traditional owners. In 2006 the Federal Court determined that the whole of Roebuck Plains Station was to hold the unique status of exclusive possession Yawuru native title.
The station is strategically located for the export market, located on rich marine floodplain 30 kilometres east of Broome, with the capacity to support a herd of 20,000 head of cattle.
In a significant divestment agreement between Yawuru and the ILSC land title to more than 276,000 hectares, comprising Roebuck Plains Station, Roebuck Export Depot special lease and freehold title to the OTC Dampier block was transferred to Yawuru ownership.
Formal negotiations between Yawuru and the ILSC led to an agreement to divest the station to Yawuru – an example of how organisations can come together to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes on Indigenous held land.