Partner With Us

Our Country Our Future

Our Country Our Future is the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation’s principal funding program where we work with Indigenous groups across Australia to own and manage land and water interests.

What assistance is available through Our Country Our Future?

What we offer

We offer a wide range of assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups seeking support for their  projects including:

• direct funding for purchasing, managing and/or developing land or water-related interests

• advice and capability support for property owners including information, knowledge and training to assist with project development and delivery

• facilitation, advocacy and negotiation to develop partnerships, markets and other opportunities

Who we work with 

We partner with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups* across the broad diversity of Indigenous Australia:

• from cities to regional and remote areas

• from inland to coastal environments

• across a range of sectors including cultural and eco-tourism, renewables and energy, fisheries and aquaculture, caring for Country, carbon and environmental markets, health and wellbeing, and water-based enterprises and assets, etc.

What do you want to do?

If you want to…

• Purchase a land or water-related interest

• Commence or expand a land or water-based enterprise

• Undertake planning and/or feasibility assessment

• Build or upgrade infrastructure, plant or equipment

• Improve your organisation’s service delivery

• Conduct on-ground management activities to Care for Country (land, water, biodiversity, cultural heritage)

• Enable or improve access to Country with cultural significance

• Maintain, support and revitalise culture

• Develop opportunities for formal and informal training and/or employment

• Address urgent health and safety issues on Country (people, livestock, environment)

…and these activities will lead to Indigenous people:

…we may be able to help.

Are you eligible?

How we assess applications​

Our Country Our Future is a competitive funding program. This means your project will be assessed objectively against each of the criteria set out below and against other project proposals received by the ILSC. This process ensures that the ILSC invests its funds as effectively as possible, delivering the highest potential benefits to Indigenous Australians.

How to apply?

Our Country Our Future is flexible so you can apply anytime. Download a copy of the Program Guidelines for more detailed information about the program.

Our Partners

Download the Returning and managing Country 2022-23 booklet to discover how Indigenous communities benefit from the activities funded by the ILSC.

Contact Us

If you are interested in submitting an application please get in touch with us on a free call to 1800 818 490 to discuss your enquiry.