The Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC) invested more than $22.3 million in partnerships with 31 Indigenous organisations over a 12-month period according to its Returning and managing Country 2021/22 publication released today.
The publication showcases the stories behind the ILSC. It highlights the successes and tremendous outcomes achieved by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations it partners with and shares their stories.
These partnerships have resulted in dozens of stories of change – from providing for care and connection to Country through the return of land in the sacred Bunya Mountains to Traditional Owners, to building towards economic self-determination through securing a water licence to establish a yabby farm for the Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation in Victoria.
The highlighted stories illustrate how the ILSC is delivering on its purpose through partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations.
ILSC Group Chief Executive Officer, Joe Morrison, said these stories in Returning and managing Country demonstrate the achievements of diverse and rapidly growing aspirations for the future of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the present strength of the many Indigenous organisations across Australia.
“These stories illustrate our organisational activity working towards redressing Australia’s historic dispossession of Indigenous people through the restoration of an Indigenous land and water base,” said Mr Morrison.
“At the ILSC, we want to be partners in change. In simple terms, we want to plant the seed together with our partners so they can harvest the fruit.
“A great example is the $3.2 million investment that the ILSC made to deliver a permanent home for the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation in Western Australia.
“The headquarters will allow the corporation to grow its land and sea ranger team from five to 20 staff by 2024 and to invest almost $150,000 each year into fisheries, aquaculture, and tourism projects thanks to saved rental expenditure. These are exceptional outcomes in the pipeline.”