The ILC has provided land management support MAC, based in Broome WA, to provide additional water supply for its Skuthorpe nursery, Crab Creek native seed bank site and a sewerage system for the training facilities it operates at Crab Creek.

MAC provides training through the Green Army program, with up to 110 Indigenous people over 18 months participating in native bush regeneration, harvesting native seed and planning and installing the irrigation systems. These activities art part of the participants’ training in Certificate II Conservation and Land Management. The Skuthorpe and Crab Creek sites (totalling 24 hectares) will have 15,000 additional native trees planted on them as a result of the ILC’s assistance.
MAC is also celebrating signing a lease with the WA Water Corporation for over 600 HA of land north of Broome. This is to establish a native fruit farm using sustainable land use methods and Savannah enrichment planting (planting in natural bush land) this is a hugely exiting project that will look after country and create jobs and economic development opportunities in a new and support an emerging market that will bring economic opportunities for local Aboriginal people.
Signing the lease are (from left) Paul Beard Water Corp Operations Manager, Jos Mensink Water Corp procurement and real estate Manager, Matt Wagner Mamabulanjin Operations Manager, Neil Gower Mamabulanjin CEO and Rino Trolio Water Corp Regional Manager.