The company harvests camels on Indigenous-held land straddling the NT, SA, and WA borders and last year supplied a group of 55 head for a trial embryo transfer program in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
Success with that brought an order this year for 100 more head for the breeding program, and the dairy and racing industries.
The company is just beginning to develop the opportunity and camel export to the Middle East is a learning process for Ngaanyatjarra.
The camels will be transported by air and Ngaanyatjarra has found that they travel better after training and when sent in friendship groups.
Ngaanyatjarra’s camels are free of diseases that affect camels in the Middle East making them a good source of breeding stock for the region.
The ILC funded planning and infrastructure under its Our Land Our Future program early in Ngaanyatjarra’s business modelling. Yards and water points were built by 20 local Indigenous workers.
There are potential ongoing employment opportunities as the camel enterprise develops with Ngaanyatjarra working on new trade opportunities in Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Picture: Ngaanyatjarra stockman rounding up wild camels for export, courtesy of The Ngaanyatjarra Camel Company.